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Author Archives: Sue Beckingham

#BYOD4L Topic 5: Creating

Dear friends,

So far we have all been on a high from the beginning of this week. We have plenty of evidence that learning in the open can be exciting, stimulating and engaging. Learning with others is possible if we make it personal and find bridges to connect with others in meaningful ways. When we show interest and also reach out and help others. Last night’s tweetchat was another fast rollercoaster and helped us all to discuss and debate collaboration but also cooperate and collaborate.  Diogo Casanova, Nick Botfield, Dejan Ljubojevic and Mike Nicholson organised an excellent tweetchat that brought us all together, with some challenging questions.

In true collaborative spirit a couple of new collaborative creations have developed: A Book of Cs and the BYOD4L Song are in the making! Do join in and add with these and be sure to add your name as a collaborator. These collaborative projects can be found here:

The storify for collaborating is HERE

If you just discovered BYOD4L or Bring Your Own Device For Learning this is a short introduction to it. BYOD4L is an  open bite-size facilitated learning event offered over 5 days. Today is our last day but still plenty of time to join in! Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is CREATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and suggested activities to engage with.  For further details about this and the other activities, please check out the Creating Topics page.

Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

What is the added bonus when making stuff together? Something to think about in the context of this topic.
image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi at


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

You might need one of these today! image source: here

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter with Whitney Kilgore and Chrissi Nerantzi. As you will need a drawing app during the chat, delicate fingers or a stylus!!! Please make sure you have on your device and you are able to use the basics. If you need some help reach out to the community! This will be our very last tweetchat and we hope you will be able to join us and enjoy it 😉 It might be a bit different… it usually is… 

We look forward to Day 5 together.

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 4: Collaborating

Dear friends,

What an amazing day… on Twitter, Google + and Facebook and there are many who capture their activities and reflections in their portfolios (see Deb’s and Sheila’s posts for example). Our last tweetchat was another speedy and rich exchange and took many of us to new places. Thank you so much Neil, Alex and Suzanne. Over 600 tweets in an hour! David Eddy described it as a ‘learning frenzy’. A number of our university partners are holding face to face workshops too and though the tweets we can see this is encouraging new colleagues to join in and co-learn. Our two Google study groups are doing well, practices are shared and recipes created. The wider community helps as well.

The tweets have been captured as a Storify and can be found HERE.

More news! Tomorrow we hold a second opportunity for you to take part in Google Hangout with Sam Illingworth and BYOD4L friends.

Only 2 days left now? This is hard to believe… we have been so busy all of us and have lost track of time, which can be a good thing as we are probably immersed in the process of learning. It is also amazing how some of the connections are getting stronger and there are discussions about collaborations. This actually fits perfectly with our next topic 😉

If you just arrived here, please note, this is the Bring Your Own Device For Learning! This open bite-size learning event which is offered this week. This is Day 4. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is COLLABORATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. As this topic is about collaboration, we hope that you will use this opportunity and collaborate with others on a mini project. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

We can achieve great things together? How can we make them happen? Something to think about in the context of this topic image by cc Chrissi Nerantzi


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter.

We look forward learning together.

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 3: Curating

Dear friends,

Already Day 3? We really enjoy learning with you all and have started making some interesting discoveries together. Some of you are becoming more confident in experimenting and sharing openly half-baked ideas and thoughts. The tweetchats seems to be popular and there are some conversations happening in the social spaces as well and in some of the portfolios shared.

Tuesday’s tweetchat on communicating was led by Sheila MacNeill, Sam Illingworth and Mike Nicholson and certainly got us thinking and communicating! Sam also created a wonderful video where he talked about communication. If you haven’t watched it yet, please click access the Google hangout page here.

The chat has been captured as a storify HERE

If you just arrived here for the very first time, please note that this is the Bring Your Own Device For Learning event! An open bite-size learning adventure offered with the help of our lovely volunteer facilitators. It is now Day 3 out of 5 in total. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic, please go to the topic page and pick ‘n’ mix activities you think would be of value to you.

Today’s topic is CURATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

So much out there? How can we focus? What do we collect and why? Some things to think about in the context of this topic image source cc Chrissi Nerantzi


Our colleague Peter Reed has started visualising our connections during the #BYOD4Lchats. You can see these and his related commentaries on his blog. Please feel free to comment there as it would be lovely to also capture the experience somehow.


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter.

We look forward learning together.

The BYOD4L team @BYOD4L

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 2: Communicating

Dear BYOD4L friends,

Wow! Day 1 is now (almost) over and we are getting ready for Day 2. It is so so lovely to see so many of you engaging already, sharing experiences via Twitter and the other social spaces. One of our small groups is full and we have started working on some recipes brought to us by Whitney. We will be sharing more about this soon along with other collaborative mini projects emerging. If you would like to learn within a small group during the week, consider joining our second group at There are still some places there and Kay and Mike are both lovely and experienced facilitators, so you will be in good hands.

We have seen some of you have set-up a portfolio or have started using it for BYOD4L to reflect on your   experience. This is so wonderful and we really hope that this journey will lead to new and exciting discoveries. Have a look for example at Deb Baff’s BYOD4L post and find out more about learning butterflies. Consider sharing your posts via Twitter using #BYOD4L and/or in the different community spaces where you are so that people can find it easily and comment.

Monday’s tweetchat was led by Sue Beckingham and our first student facilitator Dalian Terry. Thank you to all of you who participated. It was a great success and brought many different voices together. It enabled us to make some new connections and strengthen some of the existing ones. For many it was the first time on Twitter or participating in a Tweetchat. Loads of sharing happened and we felt part of the extended BYOD4L family. We hope this reflects your experience too and you will be back for more. It might be useful to ‘warn’ your followers that you are participating in a tweetchat if you intend to come back for more.

The Monday tweets have been captured as a storify HERE.

If you have just discovered BYOD4L and are wondering what this is all about, here is a quick reminder. BYOD4L or Bring Your Own Device For Learning is an open bite-size learning event offered over five days to help us use the smart devices we have for learning, teaching and/or personal/professional development. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is COMMUNICATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

The power of communication, something to think about in the context of this topic image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi,


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Remember that your reflections will become richer when you share them and engage in a conversation around them. Comment on what others say and invite others to comment on your reflections too.

Join Sam‘s first live and on air hangout from 13:00 – 14:00 UK time on the subject of communicating > This is too good to be missed! Find out more about this and the next hangout at 

And in the evening (at least in the UK) there will be a TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT. Search for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter and you will be with us. Tweetchats are a great opportunity to connect synchronously with colleagues from around the world and extent our learning networks.

We look forward learning together.

The BYOD4L team @BYOD4L

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Warm welcome to #BYOD4L and Topic 1: Connecting | #BYOD4L

Dear friends,

A warm welcome to Bring Your Own Device For Learning! We are very excited to offer BYOD4L for the third time.

This open bite-size 5-day learning event is offered over the next five days 12-16 January. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you and pick ‘n’ mix depending on what you would like to learn. To access each topic go to the specific page and put your own learning menu together.

Sunday 8-9GMT we offered an introductory combined chat with #txeduchat and brought different communities closer together. It was lovely so many new colleagues but also more familiar faces who have joined us before and are back for more. This is truly fascinating! If you missed this, please access the Storify here. This will give you a rich flavour of the discussions we had and perhaps answer some of your questions about BYOD4L.

Today’s (Monday, the 12th of January 2015) topic is CONNECTING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios you would like to explore and share these with the BYOD4L community.

The need to connect. Is there such a thing? Something to think about.
Image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi

But before you dive into BYOD4L, let’s get to know each other first 😉

Start by introducing yourself on Twitter, in our FB group or in our Google + community. There is also the opportunity to join a facilitated group if you would like that. These can be accessed via the Google + community but links have also been added on this blog site (See useful links section on the left hand side).

No need to be everywhere. Pick a space and see what works for you. Connect with others. Learning together is more fun and more rewarding. If you need help, start here. Remember we facilitators are here to support you. Use the hashtag #byod4lHELP if needed and help others too if you are able to.

Eleven collaborators have joined us this time:

  • Durham University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • ICT-REV initiative
  • Kingston University London
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Texas Educator Chat
  • University of Salford
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Ulster

There are many opportunities to connect with individuals from different institutions and to build your network. If you are from any of these institutions, please also check the collaborators pages for any information about planned local events during the week. Everyone is welcome to join any of these events if you live locally.



Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section. You may want to consider blogging your reflections each day. You can work towards badges (or institutional recognition and or credits if this has been enabled where you are) by submitting your reflective posts.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create and consider following @BYOD4L on Twitter.

Join our daily TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter for an hour of fun, sharing and learning, described as “fantastically chaotic”.

To receive updates during the week, follow BYOD4L here on WordPress. Daily messages will be released.


A massive thank you to all our collaborators, facilitators and mentors for their commitment to this project and their valuable input and support!!!


We really look forward to learning with you. Are you ready for the ride?

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 5: Creating | @BYOD4L

Dear friends,

So far we have all been on a high from the beginning of this week. We have plenty of evidence that learning in the open can be exciting, stimulating and engaging. Learning with others is possible if we make it personal and find bridges to connect with others in meaningful ways. When we show interest and also reach out and help others. Last night’s tweetchat was another fast rollercoaster and helped us all to discuss and debate collaboration but also cooperate and collaborate. Julie, David H and Sam organised an excellent tweetchat that brought us all together, one more time.

If you just discovered BYOD4L or Bring Your Own Device For Learning this is a short introduction to it. BYOD4L is an  open bite-size facilitated learning event offered over 5 days. Today is our last day but still plenty of time to join in! Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is CREATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three plus one suggested activities to engage with. You will find the plus one or bonus activity under 4 😉 We are very very excited as we will be joining up with Sheila MacNeill and friends today who are currently offering the open learning event CGU Games on linked to the Glasgow Commonwealth Games. We are bringing participants from both events together to share creations via Twitter in the spirit of the Games. This activity is open throughout the day. For further details about this and the other activities, please check out the Creating Topics page.

Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

What is the added bonus when making stuff together? Something to think about in the context of this topic.
image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi at


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter. There will be a pre-tweetchat activity so please check out Twitter about an hour before the very last Tweetchat.

We look forward to learning together.

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 4: Collaborating | @BYOD4L

Dear friends,

What an amazing day… on Twitter, Google + and Facebook. Our last tweetchat was another speedy and rich exchange and took many of us to new places. Thank you so much Neil, Nick and Jim.

More news! Yes, we had our first On Air Google Hangout with Sam Illingworth and BYOD4L friends. Watch the recording here. This was truly amazing and a good example of experiential learning in action. Thank you so so much Sam for taking on this challenge! You did an excellent job and created new and exciting opportunities for discussions which definitely made a difference to those who participated. We hope that others might want to lead on further hangouts in the next 2 days. Only 2 days left now? This is hard to believe… we have been so busy all of us and have lost track of time, which can be a good thing as we are probably immersed in the process of learning. It is also amazing how some of the connections are getting stronger and there are discussions about collaborations. This actually fits perfectly with our next topic 😉

If you just arrived here, please note, this is the Bring Your Own Device For Learning! This open bite-size learning event which is offered this week. This is Day 4. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is COLLABORATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. As this topic is about collaboration, we hope that you will use this opportunity and collaborate with others on a mini project. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

We can achieve great things together? How can we make them happen? Something to think about in the context of this topic image by cc Chrissi Nerantzi


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter.

We look forward learning together.

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 3: Curating | @BYOD4L

Dear friends,

Already Day 3? We really enjoy learning with you all and have started making some interesting discoveries together. Many of you are becoming more confident in experimenting and sharing openly half-baked ideas and thoughts. The tweetchats seems to be popular and there are conversations happening in the social spaces as well and in the portfolios too.

If you just arrived here for the very first time, please note that this is the Bring Your Own Device For Learning event! An open bite-size learning adventure offered with the help of our lovely volunteer facilitators. It is now Day 3 out of 5 in total. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic, please go to the topic page and pick ‘n’ mix activities you think would be of value to you.

Today’s topic is CURATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

So much out there? How can we focus? What do we collect and why? Some things to think about in the context of this topic image source cc Chrissi Nerantzi


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Sam Illingworth will be organising a Google hangout around 2pm (UK time) so keep an eye on Twitter for an announcement regarding this but also in the Google + community and in Facebook.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter.

We look forward learning together.

The BYOD4L team @byod4l

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

#BYOD4L Topic 2: Communicating | @BYOD4L

Dear friends,

Wow! Day 1 is now (almost) over and we are getting ready for Day 2. It is so so lovely to see so many of you engaging already, sharing experiences via Twitter and our other social spaces. Many of you have set-up a brand new portfolio and have started reflecting on the experience. This is so wonderful and we really hope that this journey will lead to new and exciting discoveries.

Our first tweetchat on Monday (storify here, thank you Sue for putting this together!) with Anne, Kay and Peter but also all of you who participated was a success and brought many different voices together. It enabled us to make some new connections and strengthen some of the existing ones. For many it was the first time on Twitter or participating in a Tweetchat. Loads of sharing happened and we felt part of the extended BYOD4L family. We hope this reflects your experience too and you will be back for more. It might be useful to ‘warn’ your followers that you are participating in a tweetchat if you intend to come back for more. Thank you for this suggestion Julie.

If you just discovered BYOD4L and are wondering what this is all about, here is a quick reminder. BYOD4L or Bring Your Own Device For Learning is an open bite-size learning event offered over five days to help us use the smart devices we have for learning, teaching and/or personal/professional development. Tuesday is our second day. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you. For each topic you should go to the topic page.

Today’s topic is COMMUNICATING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios and suggest other activities too.

The power of communication, something to think about in the context of this topic image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi,


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create.

Remember that your reflections will become richer when you share them and engage in a conversation around them. Comment on what others say and invite others to comment on your reflections too.

Join our TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter. This is a great opportunity to connect synchronously with colleagues from around the world.

We look forward learning together.


The BYOD4L team @byod4l

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Warm welcome to #BYOD4L & Topic 1: Connecting | @BYOD4L

Dear friends,

A warm welcome to Bring Your Own Device For Learning! We are very excited to offer BYOD4L for the second time this year.

This open bite-size 5-day learning event is offered over the next five days. Each day we will focus on a different topic. You can also choose to move between the topics at a time convenient to you and pick ‘n’ mix depending on what you would like to learn. To access each topic go to the specific page and put your own learning menu together.

Today’s (Monday, the 14th of July 2014) topic is CONNECTING – Here you will find two scenarios to reflect upon and three suggested activities to complete. Feel free to add further scenarios you would like to explore and share these with the BYOD4L community.

The need to connect. Something to think about.
Image source: cc Chrissi Nerantzi

But before you dive into BYOD4L, let’s get to know each other first 😉

Start by introducing yourself on Twitter, in our FB group or in our Google + community. No need to be everywhere. Pick a space and see what works for you. Connect with others. Learning together is more fun and more rewarding. If you need help, start here. Remember we facilitators are here to support you. Use the hashtag #byod4lHELP and help others too if you are able to.

Five institutions have joined us this time (Manchester Metropolitan University, Sheffield Hallam University, the University of Ulster, the University of Sussex and London Metropolitan University). There are many opportunities to connect with individuals from different institutions. If you are from any of these 5 institutions, please also check the institutional pages with information about planned local events during the week. You are still welcome to join any of these events if you live locally and would like to join any of these events.

Remember also that you can work towards badges or institutional recognition if this has been enabled where you are.


Go to the Tools page to learn about the tools we recommend you engage with to reflect upon the activities you complete. Add your suggestions in the comments section.

Do include the course hashtag #BYOD4L  in all Tweets, Blog posts and Instagram photos you create and consider following @byod4l.

Join our daily TweetChat between 8-9pm GMT by searching for #BYOD4Lchat on Twitter for an hour of fun, sharing and learning, described as “fantastically chaotic”.

To receive updates during the week, follow BYOD4L here on WordPress. Daily messages will be released.

We really look forward to learning with you. Are you ready for the ride?

The BYOD4L team

Creative Commons License
BYOD4Learning by Chrissi Nerantzi & Sue Beckingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.